Since most of the formative years of the child starts here, the LTA Grade School provides different activities, aside from academics, that will help promote the intellectual, physical, emotional and social development of the learners while integrating values formation.


LTA provides learner-centered activities that foster children's growth and development. The institution instills in them a passion for learning and self-discovery, and ensures that the children will receive the necessary foundations for the rest of their education.


It is also at this level that students are taught to be self-sufficient individuals. Learners gradually begin to work on their own with the guidance of their subject teachers in preparation for the next level of education, Junior High School.

Why Choose Us?

Equipped with Soft Skills
As young students, LTA hones leadership and communication skills as early in their formative years

LTA fosters a deeper sense of love and loyalty for the Philippines to LTA grade school students

Respectful of Diverse Cultures and Beliefs
Recognize that different people have different contexts from which they base their decisions; and respect differences among people’s cultures while recognizing the universality of timeless values that all human beings share

LTA students are aware of their own strengths, weaknesses, assets, and life direction towards becoming fully integrated persons