Oct. 27, 2023 12:48 PM

Let's take a moment to appreciate and celebrate the unsung heroes who have shaped and continue to shape generations of Filipinos: our TEACHERS.
Your hard work, dedication, and passion for teaching have made a significant difference in our lives.
Thank you for the countless hours of hard work and dedication you pour into every lesson.
Thank you for your commitment to our education, for your support during both the easy and challenging times, and for equipping us with the knowledge and skills we need for the future.
Above all, thank you for being our teachers. You inspire us, not just academically, but in life.
Take a moment to think about the teachers who've had a positive impact on your life. Have you thanked them lately? If not, today is the perfect opportunity. Share your message of gratitude below and tag your favorite teacher.
Happy Teacher's Day!
Note: Thank you to all the president of Grade 4-10 for your cooperation to make this surprise video possible. 💚💚💚