Nov. 06, 2023 11:41 AM

Last October 25th, the lively bunch of La Trinians embarked on an unforgettable field trip adventure that will be etched in our memories forever. We set off to Subic and explored the enchanting Fantastic World, where we let our imaginations run wild and revelled in the magic that surrounded us.
Our journey continued as we delved into the wonders of Ocean Adventure, where we were captivated by the incredible marine life and the breathtaking performances of the talented aquatic creatures. The awe-inspiring displays of nature's beauty left us in complete wonder.
And, of course, no trip would be complete without a little retail therapy, and that's precisely what we enjoyed at the Duty Free shop, where we found treasures and mementos to remind us of this fantastic day.
Every moment of our adventure was filled with laughter, joy, and camaraderie. From thrilling rides to educational experiences, we soaked in the knowledge and cherished every second. This field trip will remain a cherished memory, reminding us of the bond we share and the incredible experiences we've had together. La Trinians, here's to more adventures and memories that will last a lifetime!
We extend our heartfelt thanks to our incredible team of teachers and administrative staff who worked tirelessly to ensure the safety and enjoyment of our kids throughout the trip. And lastly, Gratitude overflows to our dedicated parents and guardians who lovingly accompanied their children on the field trip. Your presence added an extra layer of care and warmth to this special day. We appreciate your unwavering support!
More pictures here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZOVKXP_8zj1hSF6IAJqzRn9xNQFZUZe_?fbclid=IwAR2HP0C-nUg9mrlwuvDxjwjj_YFpL5J50xywtO0xDpEOMp-iDpDumjXAviQ